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Before we start making our bridge we need to do some research.  I have includede some of the requirements your bridge has to meet as well as some topics and videos you need to look up.

How long does the bridge need to be?

So everyone's bridge can be measured in the same way each bridge must be at least 350mm long from end to end. Feel free to make your bridge longer but it cannot be shorter than this.

How wide does the bridge need to be?

The purpose of a bridge is to transfer vehicles and machinery across it. For that purpose your bridge must allow a toy car to drive along it from one side to the other. The car is 50mm wide but again feel free to make your bridge wider.

How long will the project take?

This project is going to take 3 classes. One single class and two double classes. You can spend more time working in your groups and at home in the evenings if you wish.

Who is in my group?

Groups will be made up of 4-5 students. These groups will be randomly selected in class.

How much pasta will we have?

Every group will be given one 500g bag of spaghetti. You don't have to use all this pasta if you don't need it all.

Where do we start?

I recommend in your groups you get together and decide on jobs for all students. Then all students should read the questions below and on the next page and do your own research. Then as a group meet back up and design your bridge together.

What do we research?

I recommend looking up youtube videos like this one to give you a start. Then you are going to have to research on the internet. Remember the tips we discussed for researching on the internet and how to know what makes a website believable and what doesn't.

What type of bridge should I make?

In your research you will find there are many different types of bridges. It is up to your group to decide what type of bridge you want to make. Investigate the different types of bridges and their characteristics. If you click on the picture on the right you will be brought to one site but there are many more good sites so do your own research.

Does my bridge need a truss and what is a truss?

Trusses are used in some types of bridges to make them stronger but not all. The type of bridge you design will determine if you need a truss or not.

How will we test the bridges for strength?

Every bridge will be tested by applying weights to it. How the weights are applied will be up to each group and I will provide the groups with whatever material they need. Research different types of ways of applying the loads and decide which way will be the best for your bridge.

We have decided on our bridge design. What next?

With every design there is always room for improvement. Each group has an A3 page and you should draw your bridge exactly to scale on this. If you see any mistakes now is the time to change them so keep trying to improve your design.

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